I feel like blogging is definitely a good way of just stepping away from stuff and checkin' out what's going on in yo life.
Probably could have done a few blogs over the last couple of months, 'cause I have done cool stuff! But it's always like, oh nah, don't have time. But being "too busy" is always gonna be an excuse. For everything. So I feel justified in my abandonment of study for the moment to update le blog!
Currently been spending the last couple of weeks locked in my room, studying for exams. It feels both pointless and rewarding at the same time.
Anyway, here's a quick flashback to a cute date Carrie-Ann and I went on towards the end of the semester. We went to Chow in Wellington and then straight across to The Library. Not gonna pass up them two-for-one cocktail Wednesdays!
(artistic photo credit to Carrie-Ann - thanks gal).
We had a deeelish cappuccino crème brulée:
But that was then, this is now.
No going out for me!
Actually, I went out to dinner last night.
But you know, gotta say that I can't go out so I feel like I'm dedicated to studying,
A couple of weekends ago, Tem and I went on an afternoon bush walk and when we came back over the hill, the sun had set and there was a cool glow over the harbour:
I don't know if it's the cold or the study doing it to me, but I feel like winter makes you appreciate stuff heaps more. Like, I know you're more likely to get depressed during the winter months, but I feel pretty content right now.
The cold is super bearable when you know you've got so many little things that you can take pleasure in. Like hot breakfasts to warm your insides up in the morning. I made a baked berry and apple crumble one morning, made my insides happy for the whooooole day:
And knowing that there is totally nothing wrong with staying inside all day because it's miserable weather outside.

That's what warm snuggly socks are for!
(feat. my Tiffany bracelet)
And hot chocolates to keep up them warm tummy feels.
I also love the fact that you can wake up knowing that you can chuck on a hoodie, some tights and the good old ugg boots as your day's attire.
All set.
Plus you don't have to worry about making up yo face! Ain't nobody gonna be seeing you today!
There are the occasional sunny (albeit cold) days where you can pop outside for ten minutes and get some Vitamin D in you. Or maybe just enough time to grab a mandarin, take a mandarin-tree selfie and get back to the warm safety of your heater.
I have done one exam so far.
But I felt it was definitely enough to deserve a waffle trip.
Soooo, that's probably the most exciting things that have happened to me the last couple of weeks.
Oh! Hold up.
Finding this mutant cashew nut definitely makes the exciting events list:
This picture doesn't even do the cashew nut's monster size justice.
And I finally got to try some blue corn chips which I've been fascinated with for a while.
There was also the French Society's Languages and Cultures Ball. That was pretty fun, everyone was very well dressed. Except this one guy who wore chucks and a puffer vest.
This next week is filled to the brim with exams, so gonna knuckle down and brace myself for the impact of those.
Until next time, stay cool (I definitely will), take some selfies and also take comfort in all the little things, even if everything around you is looking pretty grim.